Before we get started, realize that I'm not a doctor moonlighting as a blogger – I'm simply a woman who is battling thyroid cancer. I want to share my story to help others (women and men). I did not ...
TL;DR: Cleansing and charging your Tarot cards through methods like sage, moonlight, crystals, affirmations, and sunlight, help maintain their accuracy and potency. Regular care, defined by ...
The words money + manifestation + crystals seem to be quite popular as of late. Or perhaps, always? The desire to manifest is not new, it’s an ancient practice of intention, words, perhaps prayer, and ...
No food or drink after midnight just like with any surgery. Check in was simple. Had to wait a few hours til surgery actually started but it was relaxing. I mostly stared at Kevin, and kissed him lots ...
Being a full moon, the Wolf Moon is a powerful time for manifestation. This moon represents energy and power, inspired by wolves. Take advantage of this powerful manifestation period by setting ...
I have owned 100+ tarot card decks in my life, and these are my top 5 favorites, in that order. As an Amazon Associate, I earn commission from qualifying purchases. Yes, you can buy your own decks.
I'm not a doctor or an expert, I'm simply sharing my experience with thyroid cancer and the scar healing tips I used. Don't follow the advice of internet strangers, especially if your doctor gives ...
This is a personal story about my thyroidectomy recovery. I'm not a doctor nor am I an expert, but I hope that sharing my story can help you in some way. When I first learned that I had thyroid cancer ...
Read my other posts if you need help leaning on your intuition to interpret the tarot card meanings. Card 1. Current Business Energy: This card reflects the present energy or vibe of your business.
These were human generated, but all inspired by AI tools. AI has been an interest of mine for a little over a year now, but with all the new tools coming out, it's become an obsession. I would love to ...
Learning the meaning of the Page of Swords is a journey in learning to communicate. If you're a life long learner like I am, this card can be about your thirst for knowledge, and honing in on the ...
I've been drawn to the moon since I was a young child. My son has always been the same way. The moon's powerful energy is like a magnet to us, which makes The Moon tarot card one of my favorites, ...