From the bottom up, vision is the next-to-last level on the ladder of perspective. Beyond the level of goals, we find ourselves on a higher horizon where the fundamental question is: How do you ...
Climbing the hierarchy of GTD perspective levels, we are already at the level of goals, which contains the commitments you want or have to achieve one or two years from now. Goals, like projects, are ...
The areas of focus or areas of responsibility level is the level immediately above the project level in the hierarchy of horizons proposed by David Allen to reflect on what underpins your personal ...
De abajo arriba, la visión es el penúltimo nivel en la escalera de la perspectiva. Superado el nivel de los objetivos, nos encontramos en un horizonte más elevado donde la pregunta fundamental es: ...
Escalando en la jerarquía de niveles de perspectiva de GTD, nos encontramos ya en el nivel de los objetivos, el cual contiene los compromisos que quieres o tienes que alcanzar de aquí a uno o dos años ...