DEAR MISS MANNERS: For my 40th birthday, my sister planned a bowling party. She is very organized, and pre-entered the names ...
No one knew what to say or how to stop her, since we don’t really even know her, and no one wanted her to be uncomfortable.
The sign at the health clinic I visit regularly says tipping the valet is not required — so I don’t. But one day, the valet ...
Do we have to invite them to join us at a restaurant at some point? If so, may we try to “dilute” them by inviting others?
Now that we know the dog is going, we want to bow out of the engagement but would prefer to do it in the least hurtful way.
By doing so, she is telling her friends how much they need to spend and depriving them of the fun of choosing a special gift ...
Dear Miss Manners: I have a good friend who is the polar opposite of me on politics, religion and almost every other subject. We are cognizant of these differences, and refrain from debate or ...
Cutting them up to remove the pits seems excessive, but just spitting out the pits into a napkin doesn’t seem proper, either.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have a number of friends I regularly meet for meals out, as well as for friends’ birthdays. We’ve been friends for going on 40 years and first began socializing after ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have a number of friends I regularly meet for meals out, as well as for friends’ birthdays. We’ve been friends for going on 40 years and first began socializing after ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is it considered necessary to write notes of sympathy about a death on cards specially designed for the purpose? I have given up on finding cards that are acceptable and instead ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have a number of friends I regularly meet for meals out, as well as for friends’ birthdays. We’ve been friends for going on 40 years and first began socializing after ...