MicroStrategy, Bitcoin
Microstrategy acquires 7,420 bitcoin for $458.2 million, bringing its total holdings to 252,220 BTC valued at $9.9 billion.
Blockchain intelligence firm Arkham has identified that MicroStrategy has transferred 4,922.697 BTC to three new unmarked ...
Business intelligence firm MicroStrategy acquired 7,420 BTC from its recent sale of senior convertible notes on Friday. CEO Michael Saylor announced the company purchased the tokens at a rate of ...
MicroStrategy purchased an additional $489 million of Bitcoin, swelling its corporate Bitcoin treasury to over 252,000 BTC ...
MicroStrategy raised $1.01 Billion funds and shall be repaying their debt of $500 Million and remaining fund will be used to ...
As Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) becomes a key asset for corporate treasuries, public companies are increasingly adopting innovative ...
MicroStrategy plans to issue $700M in convertible notes to redeem older debts and increase its Bitcoin holdings.
Buoyed by all this Bitcoin buying, MicroStrategy has skyrocketed in value. The company's stock is up more than 100% this year ...